Self Care at Home


We’re more than halfway through the summer and time has flown by!


Before we know it, it’s going to be back to school season and the whole family will have to adapt to their new schedule. These last five months have definitely been a difficult time for many families due to COVID-19. There’s been so many changes that many of us had to go through in such a small amount of time. With so much change going on it can be difficult to adjust for both parents and children alike. Many people do not like change- and this can cause a lot of stress and anxiety. However, taking advantage of the summer season and taking some time to self-care is one of the the best ways to combat this COVID-19 induced stress.

Having the warm weather and the sun shining outside helps with our general mood overall. Still, taking the time to incorporate some “me time” in your daily routine can directly help to combat anxiety and stress. We understand that it may not be possible to go outside as much as you’d like, but there are many activities that you can do from the comfort of your own home to self-care!

  • Gardening- Starting a small garden in your backyard is a great way to distract yourself and focus your energy in growing your favorite flowers! No backyard? No problem! You can garden inside your home by planting seeds in flower pots and putting them on any window sill. 

  • Clean one small space- Cleaning is considered therapeutic because the act of organizing your surroundings can help organize the mind as well. Focus on cleaning one small area in your home whether it is a drawer or the kitchen counter. Being able to see at least one clean area can help reduce stress.

  • Start a journal- Oftentimes we feel anxious and stressed because we’re not sure how to process our emotions. Writing down what you’re feeling and starting a journal can help you understand and cope with these emotions. Whether you write, draw, color, or paint in your journal, it’s yours to express yourself in any way you want.

  • Try a new exercise- Exercising is a great way to elevate and improve your mood, and there are multiple exercises that can be done at home! Exercises like yoga or other mindfulness activities where you can focus on meditation allows your body and mind to reset and relax. You can find free meditation videos on YouTube or online!

  • Call a friend- Reconnecting with an old friend or a family member is also a form of self-care. Taking the time to talk and catch up with a loved one or friend might provide a sense of comfort especially if they can relate to your emotions.

  • Spa Day at Home- A fun self-care activity is to have an at home spa day. Giving yourself a pedicure, lighting some candles, and putting on your favorite face mask can help you wind down from the day’s tension. 

Self care is essential for all parents, and during these unpredictable times keeping our mental health in check is especially important.

Here are some more ideas on how to self care at home this summer!

NewsSusan Dannemiller